Our Accreditations & Certifications
Our utmost priority is ensuring the safety of our customers, people, and the wider public.
We believe that safety and professionalism are inseparable. We are proud to hold accreditations from all relevant professional bodies, as listed below.
These accreditations, earned through rigorous checks and audits, demonstrate the effectiveness of our processes. They assure our customers of the highest standards of safety and professional service, providing you with peace of mind.
ISO 44001 – Supplier number: C0651
The Enable Group are proud to have been certified to ISO 44001 Collaborative Business Relationship Management. This recognises the consistent approaches to collaborative working that we have built into our systems, practices and business objectives, from top leadership commitment to recognition of the behaviours that support and encourage open and constructive working.
The cycle of collaborative working promoted by this standard creates opportunities for collaborative working with our clients, from tender stage right through to project completion and beyond.

ICO – Membership number: ZB334404
Enable Resourcing is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office. As modern specialists in recruitment, we make extensive use of personal data to match candidates with the right jobs.
We are committed to ensuring that your personal data and that of everyone we work with is kept safe. We comply with data protection legislation, making sure that any information you share with us is used legally and only in ways that you could reasonably expect.

Cyber Essentials – Supplier number: IASME-CE-029253
The National Cyber Security Centre’s Cyber Essentials programme is a Government-backed scheme to help protect organisations against a range of the most common cyber attacks.
Businesses with Cyber Essentials certification have put in place technical controls designed to prevent the most common attacks. Certification provides peace of mind because the vast majority of those who perpetrate cyber attacks are looking for targets which do not have such controls.

British Safety Council Member – Membership number: S0391391-SE17RW
Created in 1957, the British Safety Council helps organisations registered as members to navigate legislation and manage compliance while systematically improving their health, safety and environmental standards.
Members also provide the council with insight into workplace issues and concerns, helping with its policy activities and with Government consultations.

CIRAS – Membership number: C0130, 1954821, C1750
By protecting their identity, Confidential Reporting for Safety (CIRAS) encourages staff with concerns about health and safety in the workplace to report them.
CIRAS member companies, such as Enable Infrastructure, are responsible businesses working in sectors such as rail, freight, bus, ports and highways who have committed themselves to acting on the information supplied in this way.
Constructionline – Membership number: 00373208
Originally established as a Government department, Constructionline today supports thousands of construction businesses in both the public and private sectors. It connects buyers with suppliers, providing members with information on a wide range of procurement contracts and giving buyers access to a validated pool of high-quality suppliers.
Its platform aims to speed up search, validation and purchasing processes, benefiting both buyers and suppliers.
ISO 45001 – Supplier number: C0651
ISO 45001 is an occupational health & safety (OH&S) management system standard set by ISO. ISO states that it is for organisations “that are serious about improving employee safety, reducing workplace risks and creating better, safer working conditions”.
Putting in place the standard’s OH&S system helps businesses manage their risks and improve their OH&S performance by developing and implementing effective policies and objectives.